
Australian Lefty on Politics, Governance, Science and Info Management

The “Face of Tomorrow” Site

Posted by Dave Bath on 2007-06-15

An Istanbul-based photographer, Mike Mike has a project that creates average faces for different cities around the globe: Face of Tomorrow, and you can add new cities by joining in the project and sending in 100 photos as per instructions.

Here are a few samples chosen from the “select a city” page: Sydney (Bondi, Sydney Uni), London, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong, Koln.

It will be interesting if Mike Mike can ever manage a capability to mix things like “80% Sydney, 20% Hong Kong”, so you can see what your grandkids (or great-grandkids, because I’ve just had my first cuddle with my grandson) might look like.

The project’s creator has this to say:

For me, the project has a certain meaning. The patterns I see emerging are beauty and integrity, and an underlying connectedness between all people. Thus for me, The Face of Tomorrow can be perceived as a utopian project – the projection of a future where race or individual identity are no longer as important or as divisive as they are today.

By the way, he has a multi-lingual thank-you card photographers should give to subjects.  That’s a handy piece of kit in and of itself.

One Response to “The “Face of Tomorrow” Site”

  1. HokCrorpApaph said

    Click on the links below!

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