
Australian Lefty on Politics, Governance, Science and Info Management

Archive for March 1st, 2009

Is rendering countries uninhabitable terrorism?

Posted by Dave Bath on 2009-03-01

New Scientist and Scientific American are now saying that a "tipping point" has been reached with the climate, and that massive readjustments are necessary, including mass migration away from the equator, and large areas once dependent on glaciers for food and water (including Spain) will become unproductive if not uninhabitable.

If giving aid and comfort to terrorists who would destroy a city, even in ignorance, is treated as a serious crime, then perhaps politicians who have given aid and comfort to highly damaging industries that are about to render entire countries uninhabitable should be treated likewise.

So… giving carbon credits to industries like coal?  Especially when none can claim ignorance of the damage?

  • "Sue Big Carbon like Big Tobacco" (2008-01-03)
  • "Economic Destruction Is Terrorism" (2008-01-03) includes comments from the Australian Attorney General’s website by Prof Taylor on the equivalence of wilful economic destruction (one consequence of climate change) with terrorism, even to the relatively insignificant (in climate terms) destruction wrought by corporate shenanigans.
  • Kevin Rudd described the arsonists that set fire to Eastern Victoria in the early 2009 as terrorists
  • "The scope of treason and sedition: Has the executive offended?" (2007-08-01) looks at interpretations of the criminal code, and changes mooted under Howard (I cannot remember if they got through) that include economic damage under treason and/or sedition.

Posted in Environment, International, Law, Politics | 7 Comments »