
Australian Lefty on Politics, Governance, Science and Info Management

Archive for March 15th, 2009

What if 0.1% wrote into the Climate Inquiries? What about 1%?

Posted by Dave Bath on 2009-03-15

Do any of you remember seeing the World War One enlistment posters, where a father (who obviously hadn’t enlisted) was hanging his head in shame when his daughter asked "And what did you do in the Great War, Daddy?"

If you don’t make your voice heard in the two climate-change senate inquiries now open for the next few days (links below), and your friends don’t write in, what will you feel in a few decades time, your children and grandchildren ask "What did you do to try and force the government to make the right policy decisions?"

If only 0.1% of Australians made even a short submission to these inquiries, angry about the Government’s unconscionable rejection of the best advice of the scientific community and their own Garnaut report, that would be a totally unprecendented 20000 submissions.

Could ANY politician ignore that?

If the wrong decisions are made, you won’t be sitting in a comfy chair, a child playing at your feet like the WWI posters… the scene will be more like a refugee camp and your child will be in rags, bones stretching paper-thin skin, and the sunken eyes of terminal dehydration.  How would you feel?

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Posted in Australia, Economics and Business, Environment, Governance, Politics | 2 Comments »